Fantastic Baseball


Probability Details


- Change Ultimate Trait

* Ultimate Traits you already own will be excluded from the obtainables. (Individual Rate increases)

- [Calculation Method] The Ultimate Trait that is being changed is not part of the rate when changing Ultimate Traits. The Ultimate Trait Change Rate is as follows: (100 / 'Quantity of Obtainable Ultimate Trait' - 'Ultimate Trait owned')%

※ Examples for Change

■ When changing Ronald Acuna Jr.'s Ultimate TRAIT 'Super Throw'

- Super Throw is not obtainable from the Ultimate TRAIT lists

- Obtain 'Contact Master' through the following formula described above with a 25% chance.

(Individual chance of obtaining other Ultimate TRAIT will be implemented by 25%: The rate is determined among 4 Ultimate TRAITS except for the Super Throw the target already owns.)

※ Individual chances that have numbers below the 4th decimal point are rounded to the nearest number from the 4th decimal number, therefore chances could sum up to under or higher than 100%
