Fantastic Baseball


Probability Details


- Trait probability upon obtaining Player Card

Trait probability upon obtaining Player Card





■ Rules on Trait Acquisition

* The trait that the card already owns can't be obtained duplicated.

- If the card already owns a trait, then the probability of the grade will not change while the individual trait probabilities of the grade change (Increase).

- [How to Calculate]

1. Trait Grade will be decided upon obtaining the Trait.

2. Traits within the decided grade will be set while the traits that the card already have will be excluded. The changed probability by this rule will be calculated as (100/Number of obtainable Traits of the grade - Number of excluded Traits).

■ Probability of Trait Change

* Trait Grade will not fall upon changing the trait.

* The trait that the card already has can not be obtained duplicated.

* The trait subject to change will be excluded from the obtainable trait list.

- The probability of the grade will not change upon changing the obtained trait while the individual chances within the grade will change (Increase).

[How to Calculate]

1. The grade of the trait will be decided according to the sum of the individual traits of the grades.

2. Traits within the decided grade will be set while the traits that the card already have or are subject to change will be excluded. The changed probability by this rule will be calculated as (100/Number of obtainable Traits of the grade - Number of excluded Traits).

Trait Change Rate
RANKRank of Trait EquippedB RankA RankS Rank
PRISM DIAS Rank--100.00%
A Rank-70.00%30.00%
B Rank70.00%20.00%10.00%
DIAMONDS Rank--100.00%
A Rank-70.00%30.00%
B Rank70.00%20.00%10.00%
GOLDS Rank--100.00%
A Rank-70.00%30.00%
B Rank70.00%20.00%10.00%

※ Trait Example

1. First acquisition of Diamond Batter Card

- The number of traits is to be decided according to the "Trait acquisition probability upon obtaining a Player Card" > 1 (60%)

- The Trait type is to be decided according to the "TRAIT - BATTER" => "Grade A - CON A" (4%)

2. Additing Trait on the card

- The owned trait "Grade A - CON A" is excluded

- The Trait type is decided according to the "TRAIT - BATTER" > "Grade A - POW A" (4%+1%)

(The chance of getting grade A remains at 20% but the individual chance of the traits within grade A increases to 5% as it gets decided by dividing the grade chance by the number of traits remaining after excluding the owned trait)

3. Changing POW A trait on the card

- Trait grade to be decided according to the "Probability of Trait Change" => Grade A (70%)

- The owned trait on the same card "Grade A - CON A" is excluded

- The trait subject to change "Grade A - POW A" is excluded

- The Trait type is decided according to the "TRAIT - BATTER" > "Grade A - FLD A" (33.33333334%)

(The trait grade has been decided according to the "Probability of Trait Change" and the probabilities of the individual traits increase as it gets decided within 3 types after excluding 2 types that are owned and targetted to change, having 33.333334% of chance each)

※ Individual chances that have numbers below the 4th decimal point are rounded to the nearest number from the 4th decimal number, therefore chances could sum up to under or higher than 100%
